Geoff Mcfetridge Project bikes

This week someone had asked me to pick some of my favorite project bikes and send them more detailed photos.  In thinking about this I realized 3 of my 5 top choices had one thing in common, artist Geoff Mcfetridge.  Not too many people get to work with such an awesome artist and I feel lucky that I’ve been able to work with Geoff on 3 projects so far, and hopefully another chance will come up in the future.  If you aren’t totally familiar with his work, I’d suggest clicking this link and taking a look.   Since we’ve now taken some new photos and pulled some never before seen ones from the archives it seemed like a good idea to share them.  I’ve tried to use mostly detail shots that focus on the paint rather than the complete bikes.  So without any more delay on to the pictures.

Fairwheel Bikes Blog